CodeMap®-National Coverage Determinations (2024)

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National Coverage Determination
Procedure Code: 8XXXX
Thyroid Testing
CMS Policy Number: 190.22

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Description: Thyroid function studies are used to delineate the presence or absence of hormonal abnormalities of the thyroid and pituitary glands. These abnormalities may be either primary or secondary and often but not always accompany clinically defined signs and symptoms indicative of thyroid dysfunction.

Laboratory evaluation of thyroid function has become more scientifically defined. Tests can be done with increased specificity, thereby reducing the number of tests needed to diagnose and follow treatment of most thyroid disease. Measurements of serum sensitive thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, complemented by determination of thyroid hormone levels [free thyroxine (fT-4) or total thyroxine (T4) with Triiodothyronine (T3) uptake] are used for diagnosis and follow-up of patients with thyroid disorders. Additional tests may be necessary to evaluate certain complex diagnostic problems or on hospitalized patients, where many circ*mstances can skew tests results. When a test for total thyroxine (total T4 or T4 radioimmunoassay) or T3 uptake is performed, calculation of the free thyroxine index (FTI) is useful to correct for abnormal results for either total T4 or T3 uptake due to protein binding effects.

Thyroid function tests are used to define hyper function, euthyroidism, or hypofunction of thyroid disease. Thyroid testing may be reasonable and necessary to:

  • Distinguish between primary and secondary hypothyroidism
  • Confirm or rule out primary hypothyroidism
  • Monitor thyroid hormone levels (for example, patients with goiter, thyroid nodules, or thyroid cancer)
  • Monitor drug therapy in patients with primary hypothyroidism
  • Confirm or rule out primary hyperthyroidism
  • Monitor therapy in patients with hyperthyroidism

    Thyroid function testing may be medically necessary in patients with disease or neoplasm of the thyroid and other endocrine glands. Thyroid function testing may also be medically necessary in patients with metabolic disorders; malnutrition; hyperlipidemia; certain types of anemia; psychosis and non-psychotic personality disorders; unexplained depression; ophthalmologic disorders; various cardiac arrhythmias; disorders of menstruation; skin conditions; myalgias; and a wide array of signs and symptoms, including alterations in consciousness; malaise; hypothermia; symptoms of the nervous and musculoskeletal system; skin and integumentary system; nutrition and metabolism; cardiovascular; and gastrointestinal system.

    It may be medically necessary to do follow-up thyroid testing in patients with a history of malignant neoplasm of the endocrine system and in patients on long-term thyroid drug therapy.

    Testing may be covered up to two times a year in clinically stable patients; more frequent testing may be reasonable and necessary for patients whose thyroid therapy has been altered or in whom symptoms or signs of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism are noted.

    Documentation Requirements: When these tests are billed at a greater frequency than the norm (two per year), the ordering physician’s documentation must support the medical necessity of this frequency.

    Frequency Limitations: Testing may be covered up to two times a year in clinically stable patients; more frequent testing may be reasonable and necessary for patients whose thyroid therapy has been altered or in whom symptoms or signs of hyper- or hypothyroidism are noted.

    To review all requirements of this policy, please see: CMS NCD listing by Chapter

    Covered ICD-10 Codes.

    A18.81Tuberculosis of thyroid gland
    C56.1Malignant neoplasm of right ovary
    C56.2Malignant neoplasm of left ovary
    C56.3Malignant neoplasm of bilateral ovaries
    C56.9Malignant neoplasm of unspecified ovary
    C73Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
    C75.8Malignant neoplasm with pluriglandular involvement, unsp
    C79.63Secondary malignant neoplasm of bilateral ovaries
    C79.89Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
    C79.9Secondary malignant neoplasm of unspecified site
    .... and many more.
  • Sorry, you need to login or register to view additional sections of this Medicare policy.Click here for publications catalog.

    The content and format of the following files and/or webpages arecopywritten and the property of Wheaton Partners, LLC - dba CodeMap®. All recipients of these files agree not to distribute, reproduce and/or use theinformation contained within, in any manner not expressly agreed upon by theuser and Wheaton Partners, LLC - dba CodeMap®.

    All code-pairs and Medicare coverage information are compiled directly from Center for Medicare andMedicaid Services (CMS) and Medicare Contractor coverage policies. CodeMap® has made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained. However, the ultimate responsibility for correctcoding and claims submission lies with the provider of services. Both CMS andMedicare contractor coverage policy information may change at any time. CodeMap® makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee that this compilationof coverage policy information is error-free or that the use of this informationwill result in Medicare coverage and subsequent payment of claims. Final coverage and payment of claims are subject to many factors exclusively controlled by CMS and its contractors.

    CodeMap®-National Coverage Determinations (2024)


    What is national determination of coverage? ›

    National coverage determinations (NCDs) are made through an evidence-based process, with opportunities for public participation. In some cases, CMS' own research is supplemented by an outside technology assessment and/or consultation with the Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC).

    What are national and local coverage determinations? ›

    NCDs are binding on all Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs), Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) and the Medicare Appeals Council. Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) are decisions by a local MAC, and are applicable only within the issuing MAC's jurisdiction(s).

    What is the difference between LCD and NCD for Medicare? ›

    MACs develop an LCD when there is no national coverage determination (NCD) or when there is a need to further define an NCD for the specific jurisdiction. LCDs outline how the contractor will review claims to ensure that the services provided meet Medicare coverage requirements.

    What is the purpose of national coverage determinations (AAPC)? ›

    An NCD sets forth the extent to which Medicare will cover specific services, procedures, or technologies on a national basis.

    Which of the following are examples of a coverage determination? ›

    Some examples of a coverage determination are: If you ask us to make an exception,* including: Asking us to cover a Part D drug that is not on the plan's formulary (our list of covered drugs) Asking us to waive a restriction on the plan's coverage for a drug (such as limits on the amount of the drug you can get)

    Can an LCD be more restrictive than an NCD? ›

    Relationship of NCDs and LCDs:

    NCD decisions are binding on all Medicare contractors, and LCD policy can be no more restrictive than the NCD, although it can be less restrictive.

    How can I check LCD? ›

    Turn off the computer. Connect the AC power adapter. Press Fn, left Ctrl, and the power button at the same time. If the LCD panel displays at least five solid colors in sequence across the entire screen, it indicates that the LCD is functioning normally.

    What is an NCD code? ›

    NCD s are developed by CMS to describe the circ*mstances for Medicare coverage nationwide for a specific medical service procedure or device.

    Can you appeal an LCD denial? ›

    In addition to creating the term “Local Coverage Determination” (LCD), section 1869(f) of the Social Security Act creates an appeals process for an “aggrieved party” to challenge LCDs/LCD provisions that are in effect at the time of the challenge.

    What if an NCD does not exist? ›

    If an NCD or LCD does not exist, it does not simply mean that Medicare will not pay for the service. CMS develops NCDs to codify Medicare coverage of services that are “reasonable and necessary.” NCDs are created using an evidence-based process, with opportunities for public comment and participation.

    What does LCD mean with Medicare? ›

    What's a "Local Coverage Determination" (LCD)? LCDs are decisions made by a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) whether to cover a particular item or service in a MAC's jurisdiction (region) in accordance with section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act.

    How do you find the LCD for the local Medicare administrative contractor? ›

    1. How to locate your Medicare contractor's LCDs. ...
    2. Once the Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) ...
    3. documents” in the “quick search” section. ...
    4. Select your area from the. ...
    5. In the “select one or both” section, enter. ...
    6. Click the “search by type” button.
    7. Your search results will show if your Medicare. ...
    8. To view the LCD, click on the LCD number.

    Do Medicare Advantage plans follow LCD? ›

    MA organizations must follow all Traditional Medicare NCDs, LCDs applicable to the MA plan's service area, and general coverage and benefit conditions included in Traditional Medicare per 42 CFR § 422.101.

    What does it mean when CMS retires an LCD? ›

    The LCD or article contains outdated technology, or the service or item is considered standard of care. It is determined that the LCD or article is no longer being used as an educational tool. Utilization of the service or item addressed by the LCD or article is very low.

    What is the meaning of coverage determination? ›

    What's a "Local Coverage Determination" (LCD)? LCDs are decisions made by a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) whether to cover a particular item or service in a MAC's jurisdiction (region) in accordance with section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act.

    What is the meaning of national coverage? ›

    National Coverage means, with respect to any television network, the percentage of national television households that receive such network's broadcast as listed in the Nielsen Television Index or such successor measure of coverage equivalent thereto generally adopted by the television industry.

    What is National Coverage Determination Manual? ›

    NCD s are developed by CMS to describe the circ*mstances for Medicare coverage nationwide for a specific medical service procedure or device. NCD s generally outline the conditions for which a service is considered to be covered (or not covered) and usually issued as a program instruction.

    Are national coverage determinations are coverage guidelines that are mandated? ›

    National Coverage Determinations are coverage guidelines that are mandated at the Federal level. Local Coverage Determinations are mandated by the MAC. They both determine whether to cover a particular medical service in accordance with whether it is reasonable and medically necessary.

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    Name: Terrell Hackett

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    Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.