LibGuides: Research On-the-Go: Tips & Tricks from OU Librarians: Library OneSearch (2024)

Keyword Searching

Pro tip: Never ask a database a "question," because you won't receive an "answer."

The first part of the research process is performing a strategic information search. As an example, let's say we're trying to explore the question "Should college be free?"

When working with a catalog or database, it's important to remember that it accesses information according to simple phrases and relevant keywords. Unlike Google - which tends to be fairly responsible to searches posted like verbal queries - Library OneSearch isn't able to formulate an effective search if you try to "ask it a question." Instead, break down the research question into words andphrases that the database(s) can understand. The best way to do this is by using keywords that represent the topic.

Navigate through this page to learn how to create an effective keyword search.

Keyword Search Strategies: Starting Out

When starting a search, it's often useful to begin at the most basic level, using words and phrases that are commonly associated with your topic or research. In keeping with our example, we're going to review keywords related to the question, "Should college be free?"

Note that you can use keywords independently, such as "college" and "free" (below). Your results will include all items that have these two words somewhere in the item's associated record (either in the title, abstract, subject, publication, etc.). Depending on the keywords used, a search like this will likely generate a large number of resources (red box).

LibGuides: Research On-the-Go: Tips & Tricks from OU Librarians: Library OneSearch (1)

Or, you can use them as a short phrase, such as "free college" (below). When using a short phrase or combining keywords, be sure to place them in quotation marks. This will tell the database to search for items that includes those words together, in the order in which they've been written. This will usually narrow down the types of resources that are produced during the search, too (red box). LibGuides: Research On-the-Go: Tips & Tricks from OU Librarians: Library OneSearch (2)

Keyword Search Strategies: Refining Results

If you want to refine your search to obtain different results, you can create additional or alternate search terms or phrases that are related to the topic, but might offer different results. These are synonyms or other well-known terms for a topic that, when entered, will yield additional resources related to those phrases.

In our current example of free college, we can consider other terms that reflect this topic. So, terms like "higher education," or "post-secondary education," or the like (see below). The focus of your research or assignment may also affect the type(s) of search terms you use. If you're concerned with free tuition, for example, you might add "tuition" as one of your search terms. Or, if free housing is the main focus, you'd ass "housing" as a search term.

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You'll notice that this affects the kinds of results you receive; they may be more or less specific to your research focus, so try as many combinations asyoucan think of until you find the resources you're looking for!

Using Filters

Looking for a specific type of resource, or getting too many results? Reduce your results by using the catalog's filters.

When beginning the search process - and especially when using general keywords or phrases - it's not uncommon to obtain a large number of results from your first few search attempts. While some of these items will hopefully be helpful, the majority will likely not be useful to your research. Or, you may be looking for a certain type of resource (e.g., a peer-reviewed journal article), and your results have been flooded with items that don't meet that criteria.

To work around this and get only what you need, you canfilteryour search results using the filters listed along the left side of the catalog page. These filters relate to certain types of resources (e.g., journal articles, books, chapters, newspaper articles, etc.)or qualities about those resources (e.g., peer-reviewed. published within a certain date range, subject-specific, etc.).Depending on the particular requirements of your research project, you can use these filters to isolate the kinds of resources that will meet your specific needs.

We'll stick with our example question of "Should college be free?" as we review this aspect of the topic.

Filters: Types

If you need to access only a certain type of resource, such as a journal article, book, book chapter, etc., you can use theTypefilters to obtain only items that fit the criteria you need. Checking the boxes for only the types of sources you're looking for will weed out irrelevant item types, and leave you with fewer (and hopefully more helpful) resources to review.

For example,you may be asked to incorporate peer-reviewed scholarship into your research (for more information about peer-reviewed sources, click here). Navigate to the "type" section of the filter sidebar, and select "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed)Journals." The list of results will automatically repopulate the results list.

LibGuides: Research On-the-Go: Tips & Tricks from OU Librarians: Library OneSearch (4)

After running the search, you'll be provided with a listing of sources that meet the required type that you selected. You can check the selected filters on the left sidebar (red box), and you'll note that the list of results has gotten smaller (blue box).

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Filters: Date Range

If you're looking through materials that are published within a specific time frame, you can use theDatefilter to narrow your search results to items published within a specific range of years. Input the date range you require (in this example, the date range has been set from 2017 to 2023).The list of results will automatically repopulate the results list.Once the search is run again, Library OneSearch should produce only those articles that have been published within the selected range of years.

LibGuides: Research On-the-Go: Tips & Tricks from OU Librarians: Library OneSearch (6)

If you've included additional filters in your search, those aspects should also be included in your results list. You can check the limiters you've placed on your searches, and refine them as needed during the search process. Otherwise, Library OneSearch will remember the limiters you've placed on each set of searches, and incorporate those limiters into each new set of results.

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Filters: Subject

Depending on the focus of your research, you may want to refine your results further by using theSubjectfilter. This filter organizes resources according to a topical category according to keywords that are associated with the item in question. Using this filter allows you to select resources that are related to a certain aspect of your topic, rather than all aspects that are included in Library OneSearch's subjects list.

In our example, let's supposed that we're most interested in how the concept of free college relates to college students. We'll select "college students"from the Subjects filter list, and apply the filter to our search (red box).

LibGuides: Research On-the-Go: Tips & Tricks from OU Librarians: Library OneSearch (8)

We can see how this considerably narrows the results for our search (from 1,522items, above; to 112items, below). Again, if you've included additional filters in your search, those aspects should also be included in your results list if you've selected the "Remember All Filters" option in the filtering list (blue box).

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Just like your keyword search, you'll notice that all of these filters affectthe kinds of results you receive.They may be more or less specific to your research focus, so try as many combinations asyoucan think of until you find the resources you're looking for!

Subject-Specific Databases

Want to try searching in a database geared towards a particular topic, trade, or trend?

Oakland University Libraries provides its users with access to more that 200 databases, many of which are designed to promote scholarship and research related to a particular field or discipline.Unlike Library OneSearch, these databases provide access to content that's subject-specific, rather than inclusive of every item available at the library's disposal.

If you'd like to narrow your research focus even further, you can try these search strategies within a subject-specific database.

Check outthe link below to be directed to our full listing of databases.

  • Databases at Oakland University Libraries

    Find the best library databases for your research. Use the drop-down SUBJECTS search to find databases related to your discipline.

LibGuides: Research On-the-Go: Tips & Tricks from OU Librarians: Library OneSearch (2024)


What are some questions you should ask a librarian when doing research in the library? ›

  • My research topic is too big/vague/general. How do I narrow it down?
  • Where can I find background information?
  • I tried searching for my topic but I couldn't find anything. ...
  • I'm researching Topic A. ...
  • Are there recommended databases for GEO/GEW/GEL classes?
  • Citations (like APA, MLA, CSE, etc.)

What is the library research method? ›

Library research is a data collection method that involves studying and analyzing information from books, theories, and documents that are directly relevant to the research problem at hand.

How to use the library for research? ›

Seven Steps to Effective Library Research
Jun 25, 2024

How to make use of library effectively in research methodology? ›

5 steps to effective library research
  1. Plan your search. Understanding your search: Understanding your topic and the nature and extent of your library research task. ...
  2. Search. ...
  3. Evaluate your results. ...
  4. Manage and cite your references. ...
  5. Communicate your research.
Jun 12, 2024

What is a good reference question to ask a librarian? ›

One of the most common reference questions is "can you help me find more information about [topic]?". However, questions can range from asking about transportation and accessing city, state, and federal assistance to requesting InterLibrary Loan services for deeper research and looking for consumer reports.

What is the biggest challenge now faced in library? ›

Library Problem 1: Decreased Foot Traffic

Although many folks have library cards and attend library programs, the per capita visits to libraries in the United States have decreased over the last decade. Libraries took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many are still struggling to bounce back.

What are the six steps of the library research process? ›

Depending on your familiarity with the topic and the challenges you encounter along the way, you may need to rearrange these steps.
  • Step 1: Identify and develop your topic. ...
  • Step 2 : Do a preliminary search for information. ...
  • Step 3: Locate materials. ...
  • Step 4: Evaluate your sources. ...
  • Step 5: Make notes. ...
  • Step 6: Write your paper.

What are research tools in library? ›

Library Research Databases

Research databases are organized collections of computerized information or data such as periodical articles, books, graphics and multimedia that can be searched to retrieve information. Databases can be general or subject oriented with bibliographic citations, abstracts, and or full text.

What are the types of library research? ›

Library Research Methods
  • Subject searches. ...
  • Look for recent, scholarly books and articles. ...
  • Citation searches in scholarly sources. ...
  • Searches through published bibliographies (including sets of footnotes in relevant subject documents). ...
  • Searches through people sources (whether by verbal contact, e-mail, etc.).

What is the most important first step in library research? ›

Determine what resources you need to consult: books, articles, news sources, statistics, etc. Start your search with the right tools: the library catalog, research databases, government statistics website, etc. Gather information and evaluate it both for quality and usefulness in answering your question.

Can librarians help you research? ›

Research Planning

Not sure where to even begin? Our librarians can help you with strategic planning, Evidence Synthesis advising, and conducting a survey of the literature. We can also connect faculty and staff members with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to assist with grant writing.

How to begin your library research? ›

Library Research Step by Step
  1. articulate your topic.
  2. find academic alternatives to Wikipedia.
  3. locate scholarly articles and books.
  4. evaluate the sources you want to use.
  5. create an annotated bibliography.
  6. cite your sources correctly.

What are the 20 uses of a library? ›

Let's consider the library as a building, a set of services, a collection, and a place for activities.
  • Meet with friends. Libraries used to be strictly quiet places. ...
  • Use it as an office. ...
  • Keep cool in summer, warm in winter. ...
  • Drop the children off. ...
  • Ask a question. ...
  • Find a job. ...
  • Use a computer. ...
  • Use software.
Mar 15, 2016

What is the best method to use in research? ›

If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis, use quantitative methods. If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods. If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data.

What is library in 100 words? ›

A Library is a place where students and people interested in reading books visit very often. It constitutes several collections of books of variable genres to please the reader. The library is the in-person source of information.

What are the questions asked for a librarian? ›

Librarian Interview Questions
  • Which of Your Skills Will Help You Succeed as a Librarian?
  • How Would You Positively Influence Your Community?
  • What Library Classification Systems and Referencing Styles Are You Familiar With?
  • How Relevant Are Technology and Social Media for Librarians?

What questions should I ask for a library survey? ›

Below are the questions related to public library:
  • Based on your complete experience with public library, how likely are you to recommend it to your family and friends? ...
  • On an average how often do you visit public libraries? ...
  • Rate the following library service. ...
  • How did you find out about the library services?

How can a librarian help with research? ›

Librarians can get you started during any stage of the research process, whether it's exploring your topic, finding and evaluating sources, formatting citations, and more. Need help with something else? For writing help, contact the Writing Center.

What kind of research do librarians do? ›

Some academic librarians may perform their own original research as well. Others are more focused on reference services, acquisitions for their libraries, or handling rare books or other materials. Increasingly, research librarians have been working on how to integrate and advance information technology into libraries.

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