The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

FOUR FRIDAY, AUGUST Ifl, 131 THE SELMA I S-J 0 A THE WORLD TODAY (gp fhUxtm mw-3tral Okay to Get Up Now? David Lawrence Today In National Affairs fithluhi lt Published daily except Saturday. THE SELMA TIMES JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, proprietor. Catered at poet office A i heme as eecond ctea mall matter. RAOrOBD. Editor and Publish 1914-1927 Praeldaot and Pub tuber MBS T.

RAIFORD. EDWARD a WASHINGTHON, D.C. There have been great addresses ia the past by President of the United States in the periods preceding big wars, but non that has been the equal of the speech delivered by President Eisenhower to the United Nations General Assembly with the gim of preventing a world war from breaking out over the Near East situation. It was an impressive message because it reiterated the traditional principles tor which the United to set forth the requirements of tha UN Charter that members refrain from interfering through indirect aggression or otherwise with the independence of other member states was not enough. He called tor the setting up of UN machinery to police troubled areas, and he offered a program of economic cooperation based not alone on America support but on the contributions of many nations, including the Arab states themselves.

Carefully Designed The speech was carefully designed to express agreement with the legitimate aspirations of Arab nationalism, but at the same time it was unmistakably directed at tha major threat to word peace today the dictatorship in the Soviet Union which seeks to dominate smaller nation and stir up trouble between them. The Presidents pointed reference to the dama'fe done by inflammatory broadcasts was an example of what realistically is causing crisis after crisis in the Near East. Obviously the plan tor economic development of the Near East by means of a regional arrangement is a response to those who have all all along insisted that money ia needed to assist the peoples of tha Arab world to develop their resources and improve their standard of living. Americas promise to help is sig-ninicant. If taken only on its face value, it would aid immeasurably in relaxing tension and bringing peace to the Near East.

Implemented further by international conferences it could prove to be of transcendent importance in world history. Red True Fora But when Eisenhower sat down amid the applause of the frea world's representatives, Soviet intransigence came back into the picture at once. The Soviet Union' foreign minister was almost immediately on his feet to repeat tha same similar cries about aggression and exploitation by the West. The Eisenhower address is bound eventually to bring second thoughts to all the Arab politicians who have echoed the Kremlins cries against the presence of American troops in the Near East. Those troops will be withdrawn the moment there is a real basis tor peace.

The big question now is whether the mischief-makers in the Kremlin will be content to let the Near East set-tle down or whether they will con- States has conaistenly stood throughout its history. It will be elective throughout the free world, primarily because the address reflect bipartisan support here. Thu is but another way of saying it is a true expression of the purposes and intentions of the people of the United States. Have Not Yielded For the speech means America has not yielded in her firm insistence that the independence of small nations must be protected against any aggression by a major power even if measures of protection bring on a crisis of major proportions. The President at the very outtet spoke of the danger that nations under aggressive leadership will seek to exploit mans horror of war by confronting the nations, particularly the small nations, with an ap parent choice between supine surrender or war." He added: This tactic reappeared during the recent Near East crisis.

Some might call it ballistic blackmail." Eisenhower in those new sentences served notice that the Am erican people would not be terrorized, would not appease dicta torship and would not compromise on basic principles of national sovereignty. He denounced the cry of aggression" which the Soviets have raised against the military aid given by the United States at the request of the government of Lebanon. He said that, if it is made an international crime to help a small nation maintain its indepen-dece, then indeed the possibilities of conquest are unlimited. Reminiscent Of Past Here, therefore, is the great cause to which the President says America is dedicated a cause that champions the rights of small nations to work out their own destinies without external interference? This is reminiscent of President Wilsons plea just 40 years for the "self-determination of peoples and of President Roosevelts similar point in the Atlantic Charter of 1941. But, while conceding that each nation has a right to make any change in fact, he said that change is indeed the law of life and of progress Eisenhower declared this carries with it an obligation to bring about change in peaceful ways.

The President insisted that, above all else, there must be an end to external interference in the internal affairs of the Arab states of the Wear East. Eisenhower realized that merely By JAMES MARI OW Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON AP -President Eisenhower's idea for some organisation to develop the Mideast has been kicking round in one form or another tor at least two years. He proposed it Uus week to the United Nations. This was a switch. Until new the Eisenhower administration had relied mainly on a different approach to the prtfelem of helping the Arab countries develop industrially, agriculturally, and so on.

The emphasis had been on dealing with the nations individually and giving them help individually. What Eisenhower offers now la a broad, regional Mideast development organization to be run by the Arabs themselves with the money and technical help coming from interested countries, like the United States, and from private capital. Thia would, if the Presidents words can be interpreted correctly, put the Arab-run organization outside the U. Almost two years ego on Dec. 20, 1950 Sen.

Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) suggested a regional, rather than individual country-by country, development plan. But he differed from Eisenhower in suggesting it be handled through the U. N. The idea, in various forms, has grown since then Humphrey laid out his idea aft-et the Suez Canal crisis of 1956. That was when Britain, France and Israel attacked Egypt after Egyptian President Nassers set zure of tha canal that summer Nasser perhaps during a tern per tantrum took the canal after Secretary of State Dulles sudden ly and curtly canceled an American proposal to help Nasser build the Aswan dam on the Nile.

Dul tea offended Nasser by doubting Egypt's ability to pay back. Since that time American difficulties with the Arabs have multiplied. Western influence in the area has dwindled shockingly. Nasser has increased his grip on the Mideast Arabs. Soviet influence among them has steadily grown.

So what Eisenhower offers now besides Its intention of trying to create peace and stability in the area, is obvoiuslj an attempt to keep a bad situation for the West from getting worse. There Is bound to be specula tion now on what might have happened if Eisenhower had suggested a couple of years ago what he now proposes That speculation now, for all practical pur-oses. is like water over the unbuilt Aswan dam Elsenhower made no specific promises on what this country will do if the Arabs a area on hla Idea and that's questionable for the simple reason that he couldn't until he saw what the United States was getting Into But say the Arabs eventually buy the idea If it takes as long to work out the regional development plan at it did to work out details for the Aswan dam a matter of years the United States might not then want to put up money For this reason: by that time Nasser may have achieved domination of the Arab state. Dealing with him as boss of toe Arab world would be tougher than when he was Just as Egyptian dictator in 1956. MEMBER "if THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Pram Is exclusively entitled to the use tor publication of all news credited to It or otherwise credited to this paper, and also the local news published herein.

immm MBauuuaJtlueu-iLJJJx-wxuixt1 -n i i Our Message The Selme and Dallas County Chamber of Commerce is planning ut event which possibly is unprecedented in the history of Industrial 'development promotion of the Southeast. It is going to hold a Southern hospitality welcome party for an industry which did not locate in the Immediate ares of Dallas County. This party will constitute a tribute to the Marathon Southern Corporation, which is Just starting operation of a 42-million -dollar de-e velopment in Choctaw County, near Linden and Butler, and will be a gesture of congratulation to the areas which will beneft most from it. The intention is to stage an informal get-together of Marathon officials, guests from neighboring communities and progress-minded Dallas countains to celebrate an industrial stride which will benefit this entire section, and, at the same time, to promote friendships which will contribute to efficient operation of thia vast development, It should be understood clearly, however, that thi is no effort to on the Marthon development, or to 'lure any of it opera- Hons in this direction, even if such an effort could be regarded as Ji2eaaible. While Dallas County properly ia envious of its neighbors In ob-I tabling the Marathon plant, it is not actually Jealous to the point of I trying to undermine their good fortune.

Our people have sufficient good sense to know that such a vast development was located only after exhaustive study of all possibilities, and that, once located, is not going to be lured in another direction. But we also know that location of such an industry in our Immediate area ia going to attract nationwide attention, and Dallas County la going to profit from that We also are going to profit in soma degree from every new development by Marathon, because once a atone is I teased into a placid pond, the ripples extend far beyond the point of actual contact. 1 What the Selma and Dallas County Chamber of Commerce la try-f ing to prove in promotion of thia welcome event is that the climate I for industrial expansion particularly is favorable in Central Alabama, I and when one area benefits, all others rejoice. other words, our message to prospective Industrial pioneers ii: If you cannot locate in Dallas County, locate somewhere close and I you will have the unqualified support of our citizens and their assets Conquests Of The Unknown first crossings of tha Atlantic by air were memorable milestones Their heroes still are celebrated. But today spanning of the ocean by plane ia routine.

So it may ba one day with under-ice passages by the S. atomic submarine. But pioneer passages by the S. atomic submarines Nautilus and Skate were great events, new conquests of the unknown. Men today are probing tentatively into outer space.

They have climbed the world highest peaks and explored the ocean's depths. They have scratched their way across the trackless wilderness on i many continents. But there is something inherently strange and different about the exploration of the Arctic. The forbidding cold, the endless wastes of ice and anow, and the long darkness of winter combine to give polar adventuras a special bizarre quality Possibly thia feeling will never wholly disappear for those who 'make future under-ice crossings of the pole, no matter how routine the trip becomes from the technical standpoint. I The smoothness of these first ventures benesth the earths ice cap should not deceive us into imagining that tha passage is already routine.

It was a bold stroke, full of import for the future contact between nations and peoples by new routes, carrying heavy implications in the realm of sea defense in this age when submarines are seen as potential bearers of powerful nuclear weapons which can be discharged against aoastal cities in many areas. Obviously the achievement is the product of painstaking preparation, tirelees effort and dedicated imaginations. The commander and crew of the Nautilus and Skate deserve the nation's warmest congratulations. So do all those in the U.S. Navy who played a part in bringing off this feat.

Thia holds particularly true for Rear Admiral Rickover, whose inventive thinking laid so much groundwork. In numbers the American submarine fleet does not match the Soviet Union' But in daring and spirit it stands unequalled. (See LAWRENCE, Pag 7) tion neighbors and teachers of a 13-year-old boy, Bruce Adams, who was murdered, feai ha, taken hold 0 the suburban neighborhood where the youth was found. Hal Boyles Column By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP) How can you tell whether a man's really a big shot in the big city? It isn't as simple as it used to be in "Diamond Jim Bradys day. Anybody could tell at a glance Brady was important.

He'd have a diamond stud in his shirt the size of an ox's eyeball. And on his light arm he usually was wearing Lillian Russell, one of the famous theatrical figures of his day. But success today isn't so ostentatious. You have to look for the prestige symbols. What are they? A survey of office peasants here revealed that, in their opinion, a man has truly arrived if He goes to lunch at 1 p.

m- instead of noon. He is on an unlimited expense account. He to work at 9:30 instead of 9 a. and leaves at 4.30 or 6:30 depending on his whim. He never has any cash in his pocket, and if he wants a newspaper off the corner stand, whoever he's walking with has to pay for it He carries an attache case.

(The slimmer the case the more important he is.) He has at least two personal secretaries. (An executive who has to share his secretary with another executive is a hopeless failure in the modern office hierarchy.) His office has a closed door. It has wall-to-wall carpeting and the paintings on the wall are originals. Somewhere in it is at least one live green plant, which he and one of his secretaries the prettier one playfully water together. He has a wife who is a committee chairman of a socially acceptable charity and gets her picture in the paper once a year but no oftener.

He heads the annual drive of another socially acceptable charity, and gets his picture in the paper for a good cause once a year but no oftener. He plays golf and bridge, but believes pinochle is the name of a famous children's book. He has a big home in the outer suburbs, and a small apartment in the city so he wont have to stay at a hotel if he works iate. He has two cars, a small foreign sports car for the country, a long black limousine for the city These tests measure well the rating of anyone in the average office aristocracy except the chairman of the board himself He busts ail the rules: He wears dollar neckties, drives a 10-year-old cheap antomobile because that was the kind he liked when he was younger. He eats an apple for lunch, then takes a nap on company time.

Bui he gets into the office at 8:30 a. m. because he gets an oldtime kick out of being the first one to arrive at work. Thar the Big goal today to become such a big shot you can act like a little shot again, and enjoy the simple things of life in your own way. Session Delay Cited Un Assembly Delegates Skeptical Of Emergency By ALFRED H.

GREENBRG UNITD NATIONS, NY. (NANA' The current emergency specal session of the General Assembly is distinguished, delegates here at Uhited Nations headquarters are saying, by the absence of emergency. The situation couldn't be very desperate, these diplomats point out, when the emergency session's first action was to postpone the meeting for five days Of course, every celegate here is concerned over the serious situation in the Middle East. But an emergency special session which must be convened within 24 hours of the decision to hold it Implies a more pressing urgency than the Mid-East crisis now appears to warrant 2 Compared to the first two emergency apecial sessions over Suez and Hungary, back in November, 1956 with their all-night sessions concerned with threats of all-out war and massive loss of life the current "emergency seems tame indeed. There can be no doubt the crisis in the Middle East is less serious today than in mid-July, The tension is gone.

No one now thinks a new world war is only days away. Lebanoa Solution Near The danger in Lebanon, if not over, Is at least on the way toward solution. The possibility of a protracted civil war in Iraq is over. Jordan, for the moment any way, is being quietly policed by the British. Under these circ*mstances, Khrushchev may well have considered that the plana for a summit were proceeding too slowly.

The consensus here is that he felt he had to do something while United States troops were still in Lebanon. For him, observers concede, there, may well have been an emergency If he waited any longer, his opportunity to embarrass the West would have been lost. The Russian switch on the Sum mit Is reminiscent of their attitude to disarmament in the Gen eral Assembly. They wanted parity of communist and non-com munift nations on the small dis armament committee. When they couldnt have their way, they proposed making all II nations members of the committee, Strategy Of Russians Neither then nor now could the Russians hope to obtain an effective majority in th General Assembly.

But they can hope for enough support, particularly from the African-Asian countries, to block a United States majority. This would be victory enough for them. y-. Some diplomats believe the meetings in the next week or so will be nothing more than a forum for a battle of words If Secretary of State John Foster Dulles is determined Jo press his charges of indirect aggression" while Russian Foreign Minister Andrei A Gromyko accuses America and Britain of direct aggression. diplomats fear nothing but a fruitless propaganda show would result.

But there is a growing feeling that the United States Will use this emergency session to mark a turning point in its policy toward the Arab world. INSECT PROBLEM SERIOUS To The Selma Times-Journal: Just read your editorial entitled, Theyre Taking Over. Glad you saw fit to bring the insect problem out in the open in order that every one will see just how serious it is. Primitive man didnt have any trouble with insects because they didnt try to change the laws of nature, but modern man rebels against nature thats why the insects are taking over. Man in hi greed for power and porfit has invented ways to destroy wild life and the birds who feed on the insects; that's why we are in the mess we are in today Primitive man lived by the golden rule: "do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

But modem man has changed that rule and replaced it with the modern rule; do everybody before they get the chance to do you. Man has harnessed the mighty rivers, built skyscrapers, and manufactured nuclear weapons to destroy himself, but still he cant control the tiny insects who creep upon the earth which proves that man can not change the divine laws of nature. Some piophet wrote what is man that thou art mindful of himself, but he didn't say anything about the insects who are getting the best of man. The editor of the Sunday American, ten fears ago wrote, that the insects would be in a thousand years four inches deep on the entire earth and man would disap pear from the scene so there are others who believe the insects are taking over. We should call tor a summit meeting at the community level and devise ways and means to protect our insect eating friends and then we can be free from the insect peril.

When I was on the farm in Dal las County we had a few boll wea-vils and caterpillars, but there were thousands of birds anj chickens who fed on them. We kept our hedge rows cleaned out pulled up the cotton stalks, and burned them. We planted eight rows of cotton to two rows of com. This reduced the boll weeyil menace to a minimum. Rut modem man has to go the route of least resistance.

He has to spend millions of dollars to kill our insect eating friends and in the meantime he is pavinjj, the way tor the insects to inherit the earth. So lets give our insects a break. Let them lead normal lives by feeding upon cne another. As you know they were here before man came upon the arena- apd made a mess of everything by fighting nature, and remember blessed are the Jaeoby On Bridga By OSWALD JACOBY Written fee NEA Service One of the great advantages of having a part score to your credit is that your opponents frequently decide to get into the bidding with' out any cards to back them up. East had 14 points and a perfect two no-trump response without a part score.

Since he already had 60 toward game he contented him self with a mere one no-trump South was not going to give up the rubber. It never occurred to him that his hand was such that Rockets Away (Americans like trick names for their specialists. You're a Jet Jockey" if you fly a jet plane. If you have anything remotely to do with rockets you are a When the first men start heading for the moon that glowing Luna, bound to be a primary objective of exploration there is a readymade name the chair-borne leaser mortals will probably be using for the adventurers who participate lunatics. meek, tor they shali inherit tha earth.

Yours truly, JOHN R. MAYES Pascagoula. Aug. IS, 1958 NORTH Easy Lift Takts Its Toll on respect the Russians beat us hands down, reports Kellum Johnson, president of the Amateur Athletic Union of tha United States. That's in the matter of physical fitness.

The average Russian, said Mr. Johnson, Dallasite who recently accompanied two amateur basketball teams on a tour behind the Iron Curtain, is more physically fit than tha average American. The Russians get a great deal of exercise in their work and a great majority, of them participate in some type of sport As a result, they are strong, healthy people, the official noted. Hr. Johnsons observation calls attention to the fact that many of the things which contribute to the case of life and ecenomic progress of our country are not unmixed blcningi.

Labor-saving devices, wide-pread ownership of automobiles, short work days, elevators, escalators and sedentary occupations deprive millions of our citizens of tha mini-aoum muscular exercise required for sound health. Inadequate physical exercise take its toll in many forms. It contributes to the 50 per cent rejection of our young men summoned for tha military draft, to the premature deaths of many of our most capable buin esa and professional leaders, and to chronic mental and physical tosebdmew of peraone to all walks of life Ibe remedy la not to junk automobiles, automation and elevators. It ia for more Americana to understand that a minimum amount at muscular exercise is fundamental to physical well-being, and to make sure they get U. The Dallas, Texas, Times-Herald.

THE STORY While police ques- able to give him the guidance he needed, without overdoing iL The school bus had passed at least a half hour ago and Bob was still not home. She wasnt worried, as he was well able to take care of himself, but she wished he would get home so she would have someone to talk to. Edna stood at her front window and looked out on the familiar street. The sun was already going down, and thera were lights on in some of the houses. Traffic during the day had been unusually heavy.

She hadnt seen any of the people who lived in the neighborhood, except tor Marsha, all day. Thera had been the encounter with her that morning, and then about noon she had scurried into the garage and got two suitcases. Sine than, had been quiet. Bob was running when she first saw him. He hurried from behind the Taylor house and came to an abrupt stop on the sidewalk in front of it.

He stood looking back for a while, then turned and started slowly across the street Although he was only 15, he was as tall as his father had been, but today there was an unnatural slouch to his body. Edna was suddenly afraid. What had happened to change her normally exuberant son into this slow-moving caricature? Edna clenched her fist. Sh question him too closely. Did you mow the Taylors Lawn? She knew quite well ha hadnt, hut it was a way of breaking the ice.

No. She waited tor him to continue, but he showed no indication of say- ing any more. "Theyll be disappointed. You know Mr. Taylor likes to keep hia lawn trimmed, and he depends oa you.

Not any more, he dont was almost shouting, then his voice took that squeak peculiar to adolescent boys. She yelled at me to go away or shed call the police, just like I was tramp or something." Her thoughts of Marsha consisted mainly of doing her bodily harm, but she didn't betray, her feeling To The Bof. You know, son, weve all been upset since that horrible thing hap-pened to Bruce. She just wasnt thinking, when she said that." Wasn't only her. His hurt, resigned tone twisted her heart.

What do you mean dear?" I cut through the Adams yard, just like alwaya, and Mr. Adams came out and toMf me to get off his property and quit snooping. I wasnt snooping, I was just walking through, like alwaya." Edna opened the braadbox and reached for the bread with bling hands. (Ta Be Cm tinned) XVII It had been a tong day for Edna Bergeison, but then some days were like that. Some of the numerous clubs and committees she served on bored almost to extinction.

There were times when she thought if had to hear someone plead for another worthy cause she would surely get sick to her stomach, but least it was something to do. had seen widows who devoted their full time to being widows, she had no intention of their lead. Being married to Lari Bergerson been the sort of thing all dream of and few ever experience Theh life had been made up gaiety, friendship, and a passion built on deep love and mutual respect. It had been more than 10 years since he had been lost while on a mountain climbing expedition, but memory was as clear to her if he had been home the day before. When he had been reported ai she hadnt been unduly He had been an outdoor man since his youth, and she was that, even though he was lost, was quite capable of taking of himself.

They had searched three days, and finally found He had been caught in a small avalanche during which he suffered a head injury. Apparently. In his unconsciousness, he frozen to death. For almost four months after Larss death, she had lived in a of half-world Part of the time pretended the accident had never happened and Lars would be coming home. The rest of the time indulged herself in an hysteria grief that none of her family or friends could cope with.

It had finally been the family minister who snapped her out of He had laid aside his usual sympathetic understanding anff fid Tier fn no uncertain terms that was a great difference honest grief and self-pity. I doubt," he said coldly, that would have loved you as he had he known you to be of turning away from his son his time of need. A woman of such love would help the and not indulge herself in an of selfish emotion." had been difficult, but the had managed. Her life was built around but the had learned that she not smother him with her By keeping herself busy with various activities, she had been 1067 4 a iocs WEST (D) BAST 4AQ1072 A 2 9AQ VKJII K85 A 7 a io 4 aQJ9 SOUTH axis via M2 a AK762 Both vulnerable. East and West on score.

Weel Norte Beat Seeth ia Pass 1 N.T. 2 a Pass Pass Double Pass Pass Pate Opening lead a 19 her she at She and following had -women of his as lost, frightened certain he care for him. had had kind she she of it. know there between Lars did capable in worthy child orgy It Bob, must love. her Champion athletes in ancient Athens received free meals for life according to the Encyclopedia Britan- nica.

he could take just about as many tricks defending against no-trump as playing clubs: instead he barged in with a two-club bid. West passed. He had better than minimum opening but he was confident that East would take action if he possibly could. After all East knew about that part score. East acted all right.

He doubled. West opened the Wof TrumpETT gram for development ofth area Backing tor an integrated pro- under United Nations auspices, along the lines suggested by Secretary-General Dag Hammarsk-jold Friday, would take much of the sting out of Russian charges, observers here say. is pretty good tactics to open a trump-when your partner has doubled a low contract From this point on the defense was easy and South wound up with three trump tricks and nothing else. He wai dowa 1,400 and East and West still had their part score. Poor Lovers! Just to take the mind, for a moment, at least outside of the ten-craated by the discouraging international situation, may we propound a question? What has happened to the once popular lovers lanes that used to provide aecluded nooks for courting? Gone are the tree-sbadowed roads that used to canopy romantic dalliance.

Even tha modern refuge of amorously-inclined the drive-to movie, could not hold its own as the horse and buggy yielded to the automobile, which had to forsake secluded lovers' nooks as thugs and murderers began to realize toe opportunities to be found in such hidden retreats. Thera ia no privacy in a drive-in theatre these days since it has become a family mecca, with hordes of children, eager -eyed and observant, ready to take in everything that happens, off the screen as well as on. Maybe the end result of all thia will be that the courting couple will be forced to admit that home itself now offers the best hope for a little private necking Love will find a way, we suppose, but all these modern substitutes for the old-time, tree-shadowed lovers' lanes lack the charm and beauty that made such havens of delight so popular with young cou-Augusta Chronicle. wgcti asm money but TV jbejt tiling tknf brings lx wh.t we oPterv notice TKe joy of doing things lyre- Automatic Collector Sad Remedy ALBUQUERQUE (AV- It Just didnt work. Two helpful but unidentified boys tried to get rid of a swarm of bees in the East San Jose School in Albuquerque by burning them out.

Result: Part of one wall and the interior of the building badly damaged: three firemen stung by the irate bees, and the bees still I firmly entrenched. Scout Slogan ALBUQUERQUE. NM -Boy Scout Troop 295 of St Timonthy Church ia considering a new slogan submitted by Henry Strob: "Join the Boy Scouts and Become a Can teen-ager RED BANK. NJ. O-The automatic toll machine on the Garden State Parkway make a lot to money but that's not all.

Parkway police have found slugs, buttons, cigar wrappers and even lollipops ia to wide-mouthed coin machines..

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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